
Pregnant with Quadruplets Part 1

The story of our quadruplets all started on a saturday in May of 2010. Sam and I had just gotten married the month before, and after spending 5 days in Thailand for our honeymoon it was back to the U.S. and back to our normal life. Even before getting married, we knew that we wanted to have kids. We discussed on many occasions that the optimal number of kids for us would be 3. Although we knew that we wanted to have kids, we were in no hurry to get pregnant. We had heard from other friends that it usually took them about 3 to 6 months of trying to conceive, so we decided to just let it happen. We figure that if Sam gets pregnant in 3 to 6 months that would be perfect, but things didn't go as we had thought. In May of 2010, Sam missed her period, so we picked up a home pregnancy test to see if it had actually happened. I still remember that Saturday morning as I was getting ready to go to work, Sam took the test, two lines. Both sam and I were excited, we never thought that...




最近去參加了小朋友幼稚園的教育講座。討論的主題是有關小朋友的教育。聽了之後覺得很有感觸。將近兩個小時的講桌重點就是如何發掘小孩的天賦,找到他們熱愛的事情,教會他們執著和態度。幫助他們找到機會跟製造機會。身為父母的我們要注意觀察小朋友們的天賦是什麼。有什麼事情是他麼一學就會的。有什麼是他們熱愛的,可以一直做而不分心。或許很多父母都會想要小朋友當醫生啊,做律師啊之類的。但是其實行行出狀元。麵包師傅也可以很有前途,畫畫賣tshirt也可以賺錢。而我們家的四個寶貝特別愛游泳,即使會冷還是要玩水。這是她們的天賦與熱愛嗎? :-)...



growing up with siblings. 有姊妹陪伴的成長

After waking up from their afternoon nap I didn't really know where to take the girls because it was pouring raining outside.  I didn't really want them playing in the rain again since they had just gotten over a cold yesterday. So I thought why not go for a short walk just within our building.  A simple walk was enough to keep the girls occupied and still made it enjoyable.  Kids seem to be able to find enjoyment out of even the littlest things.  I guess one of the great benefits of having quadruplets is that what ever they are doing can be fun since there are four and not just one.  Being quadruplets means they never lack someone to play with.

quadruplets sliding into pool by themselves. 游泳池的溜滑梯

Just last week when we took them swimming, they were still afraid of being in the pool without being held.  Today it didn't take them too long to get comfortable in the pool, after just a few times sliding down into the pool with them, they started going down on their own. 第一天游泳時她們還要有人陪著在水裡,但是到了第二天下午竟然就說要自己溜滑梯到水裡。小朋友的適應能力真強。